Monday 24 March 2025 (UAE)
Coronavirus in the UAE: Some information on this website is out of date as a result of measures taken in the UAE to deal with the coronavirus crisis. Confirm with official or authoritative sources.
Al Mizhar shopping mall
Al Mizhar / Al Mezhar Mall (or Centre) is a small shopping center in the Al Mizhar area of Dubai, on Street 220 that runs between Al Khawaneej Road and Tunis Road. On the same road is the new Aswaaq Al Mizhar community shopping center, and the Al Mizhar mall looks a bit tired in comparison.
- Opening hours for most shops are 0900 or 1000 to 2100 or 2200 Saturday to Thursday, on Friday shops don't open until 1400-1600.
- Bank, supermarket, chemist, restaurants open different times (see list below for times where available).
List of shops in the Al Mizhar Mall
- A. B. Copypoint - photocopying and printing
- Al Ejban Trading
- Al Falasi Avenue - Arabic fashion and perfumes
- Al Fanan Jewellery
- Al Farsi Iranian Restaurant
- Al Hajis Perfumes
- Beauty Novelties Trading
- Dar Al Kawthar - household appliances
- Darcom Trading - lingerie
- Dominos Pizza, tel +971-4-2875010 or +971-4-2874243
- Dubai London Clinic - medical clinic
- Emco Express Laundry and drycleaning
- Emirates Bank, open 0800-2000 Saturday-Thursday, closed Friday
- Emirates Driving Institute kiosk, tel +971-4-2631100
- Emirates Optical
- Flame Pharmacy - opening times 0830-2330 Saturday-Thursday, 1600-2330 Friday, tel +971-4-2876804
- Gulf Lady Tailoring
- HI-5 Traders - children's toys
- Lucky New Fashion
- Peppy's Cafe
- Planet Nutrition - health food
- Times n Chimes - watches (probably an easy one to guess anyway)
- U2 household furniture shop (where the shops have no name ...) - lots of glass coffee tables and interesting looking mirrors
- UAExchange money exchange and transfer, open 0800-2200 Saturday-Thursday, 0830-1130 and 1400-2200 on Friday
- Victorian Patterns
- West Zone supermarket - timings 0700-0000 (7am-midnight) 7 days (might be closed for prayers on Friday for an hour between 1200-1400).