Wednesday 26 March 2025 (UAE)
Coronavirus in the UAE: Some information on this website is out of date as a result of measures taken in the UAE to deal with the coronavirus crisis. Confirm with official or authoritative sources.
Dubai FAQs copyright
- All original content on the Dubai FAQs website is copyright by
- Any supplied information published on the Dubai FAQ website is copyrighted by their respective owners, not Dubai FAQs, and anyone wishing to use such material needs to obtain permission from the owner of the copyright, not from Dubai FAQs.
- Genrally all content on is original, except for quotes and excerpts republished in accordance with our understanding of fair use guidelines. Press releases and other documents that are generally accepted to be in the public domain might have larger sections reproduced.
Using Dubai FAQs material
- If you have a website, blog, forum, social media account, etc and want to provide your readers with access to Dubai FAQs material, the simplest way to do that is to add a live link on your website to the relevant page at
- Please do not copy and paste sections or pages of Dubai FAQs material (including tables and lists) on your website, blog, or forum. That is clearly a violation of copyright, and most website publishers are well aware of the copyright rules.
- Copyright law generally allows for quoting of small passages (a sentence or a phrase for example) when relevant to a discussion and/or research but the source should be stated, and there are limitations as to how much can be quoted. Again, most website publishers are well aware of what is reasonable and what is not.
- In general, permission to use Dubai FAQs material is limited to publishing a link on your website to the relevant page at, and/or whatever is permitted by copyright law.
Links to and from Dubai FAQs
- All our pages are designed so that links should not go dead over time. If a page is removed, the URL will be automatically redirected to whatever is the most relevant new page.
- We welcome links to our website, with or without anchor text.
- If we have a link to another website, we usually avoid using the nofollow attribute since we feel it is only fair to pass on link juice if it is deserved.
Copyright, Google Adsense, and MFA websites
- An increasing number of website publishers are using Google Adsense (or similar programs) on their websites to generate revenue. Some have discovered easy ways to publish content by simply copying material or complete websites from other locations and adding Adsense (sometimes manually, but more often by using automated publishing software).
- These websites are sometimes referred to as MFA sites.
- This is a clear violation of Google Adsense terms & conditions and when such violations are discovered, Google will consider closing down the offenders Adsense account, often without warning.
- Most internet users are familiar with Wikipedia. Their terms and conditions allow for Wikipedia material to be republished under certain conditions.
- However, due to the nature of the Wikipedia editing and publishing system, content can appear on a Wikipedia page which has been copied from other websites. This violates copyright rules and Wikipedia policy. Wikipedia makes it clear that material should not be used in that way, and intends that any copyright material is removed.
- Occasionally copyright material from Dubai FAQs is republished on a Wikipedia page. Usually it gets detected and removed but sometimes it takes a while. During that period, other website publishers have republished Wikipedia content including the copyrighted content from Dubai FAQs. Publishers should be aware that republishing such material is still a copyright violation, even if they follow Wikipedia rules about copying Wikipedia content.
Copyright violations by Dubai FAQ
- If you are the owner of any material that you feel has been used inappropriately on the Dubai FAQs website, please contact us, giving us the URL of the page where the violation has occured, and describing exactly what the violation is.
- We will remove any material that is in violation of copyright laws and/or seek further clarification if necessary.
Material from Dubai FAQ used without acknowledgement, authorisation, and/or permission
- These situations are dealt with by our legal and technical departments.