Friday 28 March 2025 (UAE)

Dubai Olympic Games bid

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Olympic Games in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, UAE

As of end 2015, a summary of bidding by Dubai to host the Summer Olympics boils down to:

Summer Olympic Games locations

Dubai Olympic Games bid for 2028

Dubai Olympic Games bid for 2024

Dubai Olympics 2020

Information about the Dubai Olympics 2020 - Dubai Olympic bid for the 2020 Summer Olympic Games.

Possible issues with a Dubai Olympics bid

Countries and cities bidding for the 2020 Olympic Games

The International Olympic Committe (IOC) will decide in 2013 who will host the 2020 Olympic Games

Dubai Olympic Games bid 2016

It is difficult to find confirmation of an actual bid (or announcement of a bid) by Dubai for the 2016 Olympics. It appears to be misunderstanding or misinterpretation of a couple of comments referring to Dubai Sports City as a potential Olympic Games venue when the project was announced. A Wikipedia page dedicated to Dubai's 2016 bid gives references to articles about Olympic Games bids, or about Dubai in general, but none with information about a bid from Dubai. In May 2004, one report quoted an official who made it clear that Dubai was not considering hosting the Olympic Games before 2020, and following that statement there were no further official or unofficial announcements of a bid being considered for the 2016 games, despite what several reports from 2004-2007 claimed.

UAE Olympics history

Last update Saturday 23-Jan-2016. Page development 4L 5C.
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