Wednesday 26 March 2025 (UAE)

Gulf News Dubai

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Gulf News newspaper Dubai

The Gulf News is the most popular English daily newspaper in the UAE, according to them. Other relevant and useful information is:

Gulf News advertising

Gulf News appointments

Gulf News includes an Appointments section Sunday-Thursday with several pages of job listings from Dubai recruitment and employment agencies.

Gulf News Ask The Law

A weekly column where readers can send in legal questions that are answered by a legal professional. Published on Fridays. Most of the time questions relate to jobs and/or visas.

Gulf News Business

Gulf News Business section usually has a 2-4 pages of local and regional press releases, and inhouse produced articles and summaries. The remaining pages contain a collection of reports from the business newswires such as Reuters and Bloombery, and some finance and business articles from the UK Financial Times, The Economist, and other international press. Indepth sections follow the following schedule (last checked 04 September 2009):

     Sunday          Monday         Tuesday       Wednesday   Thursday       Friday      Saturday
Markets Transport Retail Tourism Media, Marketing Property Money,Technology

Gulf News cartoons

Gulf News circulation

Gulf News classifieds (last checked Sep 2009)

Gulf News contact details

Gulf News Fun Drive

The Gulf News sponsors and organises an annual fun drive in the desert with overnight or one day options. Participants are expected to bring their own 4wd vehicles and shovels. Enthusiastic desert bashers can apply to become a Gulf News Fun Drive Marshall which in theory means you help organise the drive, and direct the traffic mayhem out in the sands, but in practice can mean you end up spending a lot of time behaving like a dog digging for a bone as an endless stream of vehicles gets bogged down in front of you. After all the chaos and adventure on the first day, Gulf News puts on a barbeque in the desert for those who survived the ordeal.

Gulf News history

Gulf News letters to the editor

Reading the Gulf News letters page is the highlight of the day for many expats, or so you'd think when overhearing or participating in coffee shop and bar conversations, although 7 Days letters have given them a run for their money in recent years. It's relatively easy to get a letter published. Just write something pithy about cricket, or complain about Dubai traffic, and include an opening platitude for the editorial team.

Gulf News magazines

Gulf News puzzles and crosswords

Daily puzzles and crosswords in the Gulf News (in the Tabloid section except for Fridays when they're in the Unwind section) include

Gulf News radio 1 and 2
Gulf News subscription

Gulf News website

Gulf News weekend edition

Weekend Gulf News is published on Saturdays with some additional sections but Tabloid and some classified ad sections omitted. List of Gulf News weekend sections is:

Gulf News Xpress (not Express)

Gulf News Xpress is a weekly newspaper, tabloid style, with some surprisingly interesting and well-researched (well, they appear to be anyway) reports. Available free in random locations (some coffee shops, office and apartment lobbies, etc). - Gulf News online classified ads

Other Gulf News and similar publications not related to the Gulf News in Dubai

Unrelated websites with Gulf News in the name

Last update Tuesday 24-Jun-2014
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Sponsored links (PDF and print version).

Abu Dhabi AUH ABD ADB, Ajman AJM, Al Ain AAN, Dubai DXB, Fujairah FUJ, Ras Al Khaimah RAK, Sharjah SHJ, Umm Al Quwain UAQ

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