Tuesday 11 March 2025 (UAE)
Coronavirus in the UAE: Some information on this website is out of date as a result of measures taken in the UAE to deal with the coronavirus crisis. Confirm with official or authoritative sources.
Law in Dubai UAE
Law in Dubai UAE, courts, lawyers, and legal system - information and questions about Bankruptcy Law, Employment Law, Family Law, Immigration Law, Labour Law, Practicing Law, Sharia Law, Strata Law, Study Law.
Other headings to include Abortion, Agency, Business, Competition, Contract, Copyright, Criminal, Divorce, Islamic, Marriage, Property, Tax law in Dubai.
Law and legal system in Dubai
Bankruptcy Law in Dubai
Decency Laws in Dubai
Drug Law in Dubai
Employment Law in Dubai
Family Law in Dubai
Immigration Law in Dubai
- Immigration law in Dubai is the same as UAE immigration law for the most part. If there are inconsistencies or differences, they are more likely to be the result of different implementation or interpretation on the part of customs officials as opposed to different laws being issued.
- Emirati citizens have the right to live in the UAE.
- Citizens of GCC countries have the right to enter and live in the UAE without restriction (unless deported and blacklisted for some reason).
- All other nationalities must obtain an entry permit or visa to enter Dubai and the UAE.
- Tourists and visitors can obtain a tourist visa or visit visa.
- Residents must obtain a UAE residence permit, usually valid for 1-3 years at a time.
- Non-UAE citizens can apply for citizenship and/or UAE nationality but this is rare. Contact the UAE immigration department for more information.
- Children born to Emirati national males receive UAE nationality irrespective of the mother's nationality. Children born to Emirati national females usually acquire the nationality of the father, they do not normally get UAE nationality if the father is not Emirati.
- Men or women who marry an Emirati citizen can not normally obtain Emirati citizenship.
Labour law in Dubai
Practicing law in Dubai
Property law in Dubai - for buying and selling properties
Rental and tenancy law in Dubai
Sharia law in Dubai
Strata law in Dubai
Study law in Dubai
Law and legal references and questions in Dubai - official or authoritative sources
- Dubai Naturalisation and Residency Department for immigration and visa related questions
- Gulf News Ask The Law - regular column with readers' queries answered by a lawyer
- Ministry of Labour (MOL) helpline for labor related questions
Last update Friday 07-Aug-2015. Page development 1H 2T 3D 4L 5C.
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