Wednesday 26 March 2025 (UAE)

Magazines in Dubai and UAE

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List of UAE magazines published in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, other emirates

List of UAE magazines. Names, titles and brief descriptions of issues published in Dubai and Abu Dhabi about business, fashion, food, lifestyle, property, travel. Also local versions of international magazines.

This is not a complete list of magazines issued in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and UAE, it is focused on locally published English language magazines. A few Arabic and other language magazines are also listed. Generally there is a reasonable choice of UAE published magazines about business, travel, fashion, cars, etc. Sometimes localized versions of magazines such as Rolling Stone, Marie Clair, GQ, Vanity Fair, NME are available at a cheaper price than international editions ,but content is pruned or altered for the local market. You can still get most international editions anyway, or other popular magazines such as Time, The Economist, Top Gear, etc, albeit at a high price. Locally published magazine prices are mostly about 10-20 dhs each, and imported magazines are 30-100 dhs each.

Our list of best magazines in Dubai and UAE

Yeah, we know, it's a short list. "Best" is a subjective description based only on our opinion.

Advertising - see Marketing and Media Industry

Automotive and Transport magazines

Business magazines - see also Finance and Investment

Cars - see Automotive and Transport

Children's magazines

Community magazines - see also General

By nationality or culture (see also newspapers in Dubai)

By emirate

By area, Dubai

Computers, Electronics, IT (Information Technology), Technology, and ... er ... iphones (!)

Current Affairs and News magazines

Entertainment and Gossip magazines

Fashion magazines in Dubai - see also headings for Lifestyle, Men's, Shopping, Women's magazines

One top ten list of fashion magazines in Dubai was given as (original source unknown [check]): Aquarius, Ahlan, Alpha, Cosmopolitan Middle East, Grazia (Grazia International or Grazia Middle East), Harper's Bazaar Arabia, La Moda Dubai (online only?), Masala!, Savoir Flair (online), Style N Dubai. A more realistic list of the best UAE fashion magazines is likely to be a bit shorter: Harper's Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, perhaps Grazia and La Moda Dubai. Ahlan is more of a gossip and entertainment magazine, and Masala! is a mixture of Bollywood entertainment gossip and Indian community lifestyle magazine.

Free magazines

Finance and Investment - see also Business

Food magazines

General, and newspaper supplements

Gossip magazines - see Entertainment heading

Health magazines, Beauty, Fitness, Sports magazines

Home - see Property and Home


Investment - see Finance and Investment

Lifestyle and luxury magazines - see also Entertainment, Gossip, and Fashion

Marketing, Media Industry, and Advertising magazines

Men's magazines

Ha ha, no chance. There's no such thing as a UAE version of Penthouse, or even FHM, although you can get the international/UK/US versions of FHM and Maxim in the UAE, with some parts painted over in black ink. There are also a handful of locally produced rags vying for your throne time ...

Newspaper supplements - see General heading

Property, real estate, home and household magazines

Real Estate magazines - see Property heading

Russian magazines

Shopping and shopping mall magazines

Yes, Dubai, the land of a thousand and one shopping malls, has shopping mall magazines...

Smartphones, iphones, mobile phones, tablets, etc

Sports magazines, see also Health magazines

Student, university, college, school magazines in UAE, see also Youth and teens heading

Supermarket magazines

Technology magazines

See Computer and IT magazines heading for most entries.

Travel magazines in UAE

University and college magazines in UAE - see Student, and Youth and teen headings

Women's magazines

Youth and teen magazines

Magazine Publishers in Dubai and the UAE

Emagazines, e-magazines

Are e-magazines really magazines, or is it just a clever marketing name for a blog? Good question. If there's a pdf download somewhere that looks like a print magazine then we might call it a magazine. Some print magazines have become online only, so ok they can probably still be called magazines. If there's an obvious publisher name with landline tel number, address, office location then it's probably worthy of being called a magazine. Some can be downloaded (unrestricted) from a site like, and look like print magazines. Some magazines are viewable on but downloads are not permitted, in which case we'll call them online only, in other words a blog or a website.

Magazines that are not magazines

Entries in this list appear because they are promoted as magazines, either by themselves or by lists of top or best magazines in the UAE, or because they have the word magazine in their name when they are not, or because they are listed in a magazine directory. Our definition of a magazine is a regular publication which is printed and physically available. An online presence only is not a magazine, it's a website or blog. A marketing brochure is not a magazine, it's an advertisement. Titles in bold have enough original content to make them worth reading.

More magazines (not sorted)

Magazines in Al Ain, Ajman, Ras Al Khaimah (RAK), Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain (UAQ)

Abu Dhabi magazines

Ajman magazines

Al Ain magazines

Fujairah magazines

Ras Al Khaimah (Ras Al Khaima) magazines

Sharjah magazines

Umm Al Quwain magazines

Last update Friday 17-May-2019
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Abu Dhabi AUH ABD ADB, Ajman AJM, Al Ain AAN, Dubai DXB, Fujairah FUJ, Ras Al Khaimah RAK, Sharjah SHJ, Umm Al Quwain UAQ

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