Tuesday 25 March 2025 (UAE)
Coronavirus in the UAE: Some information on this website is out of date as a result of measures taken in the UAE to deal with the coronavirus crisis. Confirm with official or authoritative sources.
Online map of Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi city map
- [OSM] Default place names in Arabic. Some places names also in English.
- To zoom in or out with mouse:
- Use scroll wheel to zoom in or out.
- Click '+' to zoom in and '-' to zoom out.
- Double-click on a spot to zoom in and center map on click location.
- Emirates other than Abu Dhabi or Dubai have noticeably less detail and information.
- Click and drag to view other parts of Abu Dhabi city, emirate and islands including Yas Island, Reem Island, Saadiyat Island.
- Do not assume labelled places, roads, companies, etc, are accurate. Sometimes a place marker is added in an inaccurate or incorrect location.
- Parent category: maps.
- Child pages: maps of Abu Dhabi areas.
- Related pages (or categories - pages in footer): maps of other emirates, islands of Abu Dhabi.
[Archive or delete, obsolete information related to Google Maps]
- [Not working OL OSM default map?] Use arrow controls to move, or click and drag map up down left right.
- [Not on OL OSM default map] Map view is a road map view, Satellite is photos. Hybrid is a street map laid over satellite view (no longer available).
- [Not on OL OSM default map] Satellite images seem to be up to date within a few months to a year or so (faster updating compared to several years ago when images appeared to be 1-4 years old).
Last update Sunday 15-Mar-2015.
Related pages
- Abu Dhabi road maps - information about printed maps of Abu Dhabi and the UAE.
- Maps of the UAE - discussion topic, add comments about maps and navigation in Abu Dhabi and UAE.
- Abu Dhabi - overview of Abu Dhabi city and emirate.
UAE maps | Abu Dhabi map | Al Ain map | Dubai map | Fujairah map | Ras Al Khaimah map | Sharjah map | Dubai printed maps |
UAE roads | Abu Dhabi roads | Dubai roads | UAE roads (common names and proper names) |
Related websites (new window)
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