Tuesday 25 March 2025 (UAE)
Coronavirus in the UAE: Some information on this website is out of date as a result of measures taken in the UAE to deal with the coronavirus crisis. Confirm with official or authoritative sources.
Online map of Dubai, Dubai city map
For information about buying printed maps of Dubai and the UAE see Dubai and UAE road maps.
- [OSM] Default place names in Arabic. Some places names also in English.
- To zoom in or out with mouse:
- Use scroll wheel to zoom in or out.
- Click '+' to zoom in and '-' to zoom out.
- Double-click on a spot to zoom in and center map on click location.
- Emirates other than Abu Dhabi or Dubai have noticeably less detail and information.
- Do not assume labelled places, roads, companies, etc, are accurate. Often a place marker is added in an approximate location. Sometimes is added in an obviously incorrect location.
- Parent category: maps.
- Child pages: maps of Dubai areas.
- Related pages (or categories - pages in footer): maps of other emirates.
[Archive or delete, obsolete information related to Google Maps]
- [Not working OL OSM default map?] Use arrow controls to move, or click and drag map up down left right.
- [Not on OL OSM default map] Map view is a road map view, Satellite is photos. Hybrid is a street map laid over satellite view (no longer available).
- [Not on OL OSM default map] Satellite images seem to be up to date within a few months to a year or so (faster updating compared to several years ago when images appeared to be 1-4 years old).
[Not relevant for OL OSM maps, delete?] RTA Public Transport on Dubai Google Map
- A press release 18 October 2009 announced that the RTA public transport network had been included on Google Maps. This is intended to enhance the RTA's Wojhati Journey Planner, already in operation.
- Wael Ghonim, the Regional Product & Marketing Manager said "We are extremely happy to see Google Maps used in a way that provides useful information for users in the Emirate of Dubai," among other things.
- Perhaps it hasn't been completely updated yet. We tried to search for directions from Bur Juman Center to Mall of the Emirates (MOTE) using public transport, which we know from experience is easy on the Dubai Metro. Google Maps sent us to 8 different places in Bur Dubai, and Etisalat in Deira, but none of them anywhere near MOTE.
Last update Thursday 25-Apr-2019.
Related pages
- Maps of the UAE - discussion topic, add comments about maps and navigation in Dubai and UAE.
- Dubai - overview of Dubai city and emirate.
- List of areas in Dubai - with brief descriptions.
- Tourist guide to Dubai
- Where is Dubai? (more maps).
UAE maps | Abu Dhabi map | Al Ain map | Dubai map | Fujairah map | Ras Al Khaimah map | Sharjah map | Dubai printed maps |
UAE roads | Abu Dhabi roads | Dubai roads | UAE roads (common names and proper names) |
Related websites (new window)
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