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Maps of Dubai

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Maps of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and the UAE

Printed Maps of Dubai City and the UAE

Several maps of Dubai are available with the choice improving in recent years, but it's hard to keep up with development in Dubai, and printed maps often appear dated fairly quickly. Maps of Dubai are usually available in any bookshop eg Magrudys, Borders (in Mall of the Emirates), Kinokuniya in The Dubai Mall, BooksPlus, some supermarkets (Spinneys, Carrefour) and petrol stations. A list of maps of Dubai:

Overview of Dubai showing areas of purple, blue, green, grey and yellow sand (click for larger version)
Overview of Dubai showing areas of purple, blue, green, grey and yellow sand
Online Dubai Maps

Several online maps of Dubai are available but they are usually lacking in detail. GoogleEarth has some reasonably up to date images which are good to look at. See end of page for external links to map websites.

Navigating around Dubai

Unfortunately, partly due to the rapid growth and expansion in Dubai, maps of Dubai are often out of date much more quickly than is common in other countries. One of the two best maps for driving and navigation in Dubai and the rest of the UAE is the Millenium Map of Dubai but as it has not been updated since 2000, many people will find intersections, developments, and roads significantly changed. The new Rough Guide of Dubai & UAE is the other one as it's more up to date for Dubai but doesn't have the same level of detail. The Explorer road map of the UAE (1st edition released early 2007) is much more up to date but does not include city maps, however, their city mini-maps are quite useful.

Location Based Services from Etisalat

Etisalat launched this service in February 2007. Two services - "Mobile Map" and "Nearest points of interest" for Etisalat's mobile customers to work out where they are and what's nearby. Access via MMS, SMS, WAP, internet costs 80 fils per request. Send SMS request to 1333; for WAP activation send "a weyak" SMS to 1010, for MMS send "r mms" to 1010 (reference Gulf News 21 Feb 2007).

GPS Navigation Systems for Dubai and UAE

In recent years, in-car satellite navigation systems have become available. Some rental car firms have them included in their cars, and of course, you can buy cars with a GPS SatNav system installed as standard or get one installed later.

Another option is to buy GPS navigation software for use on a PDA. You'll need to install software and plug in a GPS receiver to your SD card slot. A list of possible GPS navigation systems for Dubai is:

Maps of the UAE - discussion topic - add your comments, tell us about your favorite maps, GPS navigations systems, etc.

Last update Tuesday 20-Apr-2010
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