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Ramadan in Dubai 2009

Coronavirus in the UAE: Some information on this website is out of date as a result of measures taken in the UAE to deal with the coronavirus crisis. Confirm with official or authoritative sources.

Ramadan 2009 Abu Dhabi, Dubai, UAE

List of Ramadan activities, dates, opening times and hours for the month of Ramadhan in 2009 for Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, UAE. See the general Ramadan information page for dos and donts, and background to Ramadan in the UAE.

Eid Al Fitr (Eid Ul Fitr) holiday

Eid Al Fitr dates are 20-22 September 2009, Ramadan ended 19 September 2009. 01 Shawwal is 20 September 2009 according to the UAE moonsighting committee on 19 September 2009. Public and private sector holiday dates for Eid Al Fitr in the UAE were announced by WAM (the official UAE news agency) on 15 September 2009. They are:

Ramadan dates 2009
Year Start Date¹ End Date¹ Magrib/Iftar Times²
      01 Ramadan 29 Ramadan
1430 AH Ramadan 2009 22 August 2009 19 September 2009 18:49 18:20
  1. Estimated dates in italics until confirmed by moon sighting committee. For 2009 the UAE Ramadan Moon Sighting Committee convened on the evening of Thursday 20 August 2009 (29 Shaban 1430).
  2. Iftar/Magreb times are for Dubai. Add 4 minutes for Abu Dhabi, subtract 6 minutes for Fujairah.
Ramadan guidelines for non-Muslims

See Ramadan in Dubai for more detail but in general, do not eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum in public during the day in the UAE. Clothing worn should be more conservative than usual - cover up shoulders, and legs to at least the knees, preferably to the ankles. Wearing scarves is not necessary for women (or men for that matter).

School opening dates in Dubai and UAE after summer holidays 2009

UAE government schools will not open during Ramadan 2009, they will wait until after Eid Al Fitr to start the new academic year and open on Sunday 27 September 2009. Private schools in Dubai, schools in Abu Dhabi, and other UAE schools that follow the UAE Ministry of Education curriculum will also open after Eid Al Fitr. Schools following other curriculums (Western, Asian, etc) can choose whether they will open as scheduled during Ramadan or wait until after Eid Al Fitr. So far most non-UAE curriculum private schools appear to be opening as per the normal academic year. Schools opening after Ramadan will be expected to make up the those days with longer days or weeks of study during the rest of the year.

Ramadan timings Abu Dhabi, Dubai, UAE 2009

If you have information about opening hours not listed here, or corrections to the following information, please let everyone know by adding a reply to the Ramadan 2009 UAE topic. Thank you.

Ramadan 2009 Abu Dhabi

Ramadan 2009 Dubai Iftar and Suhoor meals and buffets, hotel deals

See the list of Dubai hotels and Abu Dhabi hotels for contact details etc.

Ramadan Dubai 2009 events, exhibitions, competitions

Ramadan Sharjah 2009 events and information

Other UAE Ramadan 2009 events, destinations, information

Restaurants and cafes open during the day in Dubai and UAE during Ramadan 2009

Some entries on this list based on previous information (not confirmed for 2009), check with them directly. As a general rule, it is less likely to find anywhere to eat or drink in emirates other than Dubai during the day, and highly unlikely in Sharjah (a supermarket is probably your best option - but don't eat or drink in public or in your car). Restaurants and cafes that are open during the day will probably not look like they are - lights off, doors closed, curtains drawn, etc. It's not that they are operating illegally (an establishment applies for a special licence to remain open), it's done to remain subdued. Some large 5 star hotel private pool areas will allow (non-alcoholic) drinks and food.

To add an entry to this list, send an email to update at dubaifaqs dot com with establishment name, location, telephone number, opening hours, whether open for dine-in, takeaways, and/or deliveries. Or add a reply to the the Ramadan UAE 2009 topic in the forum.

Ramadan 2009 arrests in Dubai

Dubai Police apparently released a statement to Maktoob Business on 09 September 2009 saying they'd arrested three people for eating and/or drinking during the day.

  1. An Arab national male for eating and drinking in public during the day, released on bail.
  2. An Arab national inmate at the Central Prison for eating and drinking during the day (presumably s/he was given an additional charge rather than arrested, unless s/he'd escaped first).
  3. A European national for eating and drinking in public during the day, and consuming alcohol. Unknown if s/he was detained, convicted, or released on bail.
Last update Saturday 13-Sep-2014
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www.dubaifaqs.com/ramadan-dubai-2009.php (PDF and print version).

Abu Dhabi AUH ABD ADB, Ajman AJM, Al Ain AAN, Dubai DXB, Fujairah FUJ, Ras Al Khaimah RAK, Sharjah SHJ, Umm Al Quwain UAQ

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