Tuesday 25 March 2025 (UAE)

Ramadan in Dubai 2012

Coronavirus in the UAE: Some information on this website is out of date as a result of measures taken in the UAE to deal with the coronavirus crisis. Confirm with official or authoritative sources.

Ramadan 2012 Abu Dhabi, Dubai, UAE

Ramadhan in 2012 information for Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah, UAE. List of activities, Iftar and Suhoor deals, other Ramadan deals, and places open during the day that serve food and drink. For a list of dos and donts in the UAE, general and background information, see the Ramadan page.

UAE Ramadan dates 2012

Year Start Date¹ End Date¹ Magrib/Iftar Times²
      01 Ramadan 29 Ramadan
2012 20 July 2012 18 August 2012    
  1. Estimated dates in italics until confirmed by moon sighting committee in the UAE.
  2. Iftar/Magreb times are for Dubai. Add 4 minutes for Abu Dhabi, subtract 4 minutes for RAK, 6 mins for Fujairah. Subtract 1 minute each day of Ramadan (approximately). UAE newspapers usually publish all prayer times (Fajr, Dhuhur, Asr, Magrib/Maghrib, Isha).

Eid Al Fitr 2012 dates

Eid Al Fitr start date to be updated

UAE Moon Sighting Committee 2012

Ramadan guidelines for non-Muslims

See Ramadan UAE for more detail but a very brief summary is: do not eat (or chew gum), drink, or smoke in public during the day anywhere in the UAE including in your car and at the beach. You should be more conservative with your dress sense in public - shoulders and legs should be covered.

Workers and labourers in UAE during Ramadan

In 2010, construction workers, labourers, and others working outside during the day in the summer months were permitted to break their fast during the day if conditions made it too difficult for them to continue fasting, according to a Fatwa on the www.awqaf.ae website dated 05 August 2010. Unknown if this still applies in 2012. See UAE workers and Ramadan for more details.

Iftar cannons in UAE - 2011 information, should be similar for 2012

Locations of cannons being fired to signal the end of Iftar - worth a look ... or listen. If you haven't heard it before, you'll probably jump. Sharjah Police will hand out free meals in Sharjah to spectators (Gulf News 26 July 2011).

Ramadan timings and opening hours Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, UAE 2012

Date of information in brackets, if not 2012 check with organisation for confirmation. Opening hours not supplied or confirmed for 2012 unless noted.

Restaurants and cafes daytime opening hours in Dubai and UAE during Ramadan 2012

See latest information page - Dining outlets open during daytime Ramadan Dubai.

See also the Ramadan in the UAE and coffee shops open Ramadan during day Dubai topics in the forum.

See Ramadan 2011 information for possible events, Iftar and other deals which might be repeated in 2012. Information below to be updated when supplied.

Ramadan 2012 Abu Dhabi

Ramadan 2011 Abu Dhabi

Ramadan 2012 in Al Ain

Ramadan 2012 Dubai Iftar and Suhoor meals and buffets, hotel deals

To be updated as and when information is supplied.

Ramadan 2011 Dubai Iftar, Suhoor, hotel deals

See next section for a list of Ramadan Tents in Dubai.

See the Dubai hotel list and Abu Dhabi hotel list for contact details etc.

List of Ramadan Tents in Dubai 2012

Ramadan Tents are a feature of the month of Ramadan in the UAE. Large tents, with air-conditioning, have activities that include some or all of the following: Shisha smoking, Iftar and Suhoor buffets or a la carte menus, board games and playing cards, television screens, live music bands (usually Arabic), and even video games for the anti-social (which sort of misses the point of going to a Ramadan Tent but hey, whatever floats your boat, or wows your dhow ... or whatever the UAE equivalent is).

Ramadan Dubai 2012 competitions, events, exhibitions, special offers

Ramadan Dubai 2011 events and competitions, offers, shows and exhibitions

Ramadan in Fujairah activities, tents, meals 2012

Ramadan in Fujairah 2011

Ramadan in Ras Al Khaimah RAK events and Iftar meals 2012

Ramadan Sharjah 2012 events

Ramadan in Sharjah 2011
Eid Al Fitr 2012 UAE
Last update Wednesday 28-Jun-2017
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www.dubaifaqs.com/ramadan-dubai-2012.php (PDF and print version).

Abu Dhabi AUH ABD ADB, Ajman AJM, Al Ain AAN, Dubai DXB, Fujairah FUJ, Ras Al Khaimah RAK, Sharjah SHJ, Umm Al Quwain UAQ

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