Friday 28 March 2025 (UAE)
Coronavirus in the UAE: Some information on this website is out of date as a result of measures taken in the UAE to deal with the coronavirus crisis. Confirm with official or authoritative sources.
List of strategic and economic plans and visions for the UAE
Global and regional plans
- UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) agreed on in Sep 2015, to focus on environmental, economic, and social sustainable development. In other words we'll all be green, rich, and happy. References:
- - official UAE portal for the SDGs.
- - UN information section for the UAE.
- - UAE government information section.
United Arab Emirates (UAE) list of plans
- Centennial Strategy 2071, see UAE Centennial 2017.
- Education 2020 Strategy. For K-12 education. See also National Strategy for Higher Education 2030 (for tertiary education).
- Emirates Blockchain Strategy 2021.
- Foreign Aid Strategy 2017-2021.
- Government Communication Strategy 2017-2021.
- Mars 2117, first inhabitable human settlement to be established on planet Mars by the UAE space program by the year 2117.
- Mars probe Hope with launch date planned for 2020.
- Mars Science City, announced Sep 2017?
- Ministry of Education Strategic Plan 2017-2021. See also Education 2020 Strategy.
- Ministry of Finance Strategic Plan 2017-2021.
- Ministry of Justice Strategic Plan 2021.
- New Education Strategy 2010-2020 (Education Vision 2020) - UAE Ministry of Education. See Education 2020 Strategy.
- National Advanced Sciences Agenda 2031 (Apr 2018). See UAE Advanced Sciences Strategy (Nov 2018).
- National Agenda 2021 (Jan 2014), seven-year series of performance indicators for UAE Vision 2021.
- National Artificial Intelligence Strategy 2031. AI plan with 8 strategic objectives, and objective for UAE to be global leader in AI by 2031. Implementation to be overseen byt the Emirates Council for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transactions. Launched in 2017 as "UAE Strategy for Artificial Intelligence". Announced again as "AI Strategy Developments" on 27 Nov 2018. Announced again on 21 Apr 2019 (WAM) with more details. See also UAE Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
- National Climate Change Plan of the UAE, 2017-2050.
- National Cybersecurity Strategy 2019.
- National Employment Strategy 2031 (27 Nov 2018).
- National Environmental Education and Awareness Strategy.
- National Food Security Strategy 2051 (27 Nov 2018).
- National Strategy for Advanced Innovation (Feb 2018). Updated from National Innovation Strategy.
- National Innovation Strategy, launched Oct 2014, goal is that the UAE is one of the most innovative nations in the world by 2021. Upgraded to the National Strategy for Advanced Innovation in Feb 2018.
- National Literacy Strategy.
- National Policy for Empowering People of Determination.
- National Policy for Senior Emiratis.
- National Space Policy, announced 05 Sep 2016. See also National Space Strategy 2030.
- National Space Programme, see also National Space Policy, National Space Strategy, UAE Astronaut Programme.
- National Space Strategy 2030. Announced 11 Mar 2019 (WAM) but see also National Space Policy (05 Sep 2016). Comprises 6 objectives, 21 programs, 79 initiatives.
- National Strategy for Empowerment of Emirati Women.
- National Strategy for Higher Education 2030 (Sep 2017). See also Education Strategy 2020 (for K-12 students).
- National Strategy for the Year of Giving.
- National Strategy for Wellbeing 2031. Announced as "National Programme for Happiness and Wellbeing" on 27 Nov 2018. Announced again 09 Jun 2019 (WAM) with more details.
- 3 levels: individuals, society, the country.
- 14 components and 9 strategic objectives. Includes promotion of healthy and active lifestyles, good mental health, and positive thinking to enhance people's lifestyles.
- 90 supporting initiatives targeting more than 40 priority areas.
- Supporting organisations include: National Wellbeing Observatory, Academy of Wellbeing, National Wellbeing Council.
- National Tolerance Programme.
- Strategy for the Future.
- UAE Advanced Sciences Strategy (27 Nov 2018).
- National Advanced Sciences Agenda 2031 (01 Apr 2018, WAM).
- Advanced Science Strategy 2021 (01 Apr 2018, WAM).
- UAE Advanced Skills Strategy (27 Nov 2018). Announced again 26 May 2019 (WAM) as the "Advanced Skills National Programme".
- UAE Air Traffic Management (ATM) Strategic Plan 2015-2030, GCAA. Also GCAA triennial Strategic Plans 2011-2013, 2014-2016, and GCAA Strategy Plan 2017-2021.
- UAE Astronaut Programme. See also National Space Programme.
- 2019 Sep: First Emirati astronaut space adventure. Hazza Al Mansoori traveled to the International Space Station (ISS) in a Nissan Patrol Soyuz MS-15 spacecraft on 25 Sep 2019 for an 8 day mission. He returned safely to Earth on 03 Oct 2019.
- 2017: Astronaut program launched to train Emiratis (not all of them) to join space missions.
- UAE Centennial 2071 (same as Centennial Strategy 2071), 100 years since the founding of the UAE in 1971.
- - offical website.
- UAE Cultural Agenda 2031 (27 Nov 2018).
- UAE Energy Strategy 2050 (2017?).
- UAE Government Strategy 2008-2010 (UAE Strategy 2008-2010)
- UAE Government Strategy 2011-2013 (UAE Strategy 2011-2013).
- UAE Green Agenda 2015-2030, Jan 2015. In 2017 incorporated in or updated to UAE National Climate Change Plan 2050.
- UAE National Agenda 2021 - see UAE Vision 2021 and National Agenda 2021.
- UAE National Charter 2021, see UAE Vision 2021.
- UAE National Climate Change Plan 2050 (National Climate Change Plan of the UAE 2017–2050). Related to Goal 13 of the UN SDGs 2015-2030. Builds on the UAE Green Agenda 2030, and incorporates (parts of) the following plans:
- Abu Dhabi Economic Vision 2030
- Abu Dhabi Environment Vision 2030
- Dubai Carbon Abatement Strategy 2021
- Dubai Integrated Energy Strategy 2030
- Dubai Municipality Climate Change Policy (or Strategy).
- National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
- National Energy Plan for 2050
- National Innovation Strategy
- UAE Vision 2021
- UAE National Family Policy
- UAE National Youth Agenda and Strategy
- UAE Soft Power Strategy (Sep 2017).
- UAE Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) (Sep 2017). See also National Artificial Intelligence Strategy 2031.
- UAE Vision 2021, (also UAE National Charter 2021), launched in 2010. 50 years since the founding of the UAE. Expect a big Golden Jubilee party on 02 Dec 2021. See also UAE National Agenda.
- UAE Water Security Strategy 2036, announced Sept 2017.
- Vision 2021 - see UAE Vision 2021.
Timeline of significant announcements
- 27 Nov 2018: 7 strategic plans announced during the second annual meeting of UAE Government entities:
- UAE Advanced Skills Strategy
UAE Advanced Sciences Strategy
AI Strategy Developments
National Employment Strategy 2031
National Food Security Strategy 2051
UAE Cultural Agenda 2031
National Programme for Happiness and Wellbeing
- UAE Advanced Skills Strategy
- 26 Sep 2017: 30 national pillars with 120+ initiatives announced at first UAE Government entities meeting.
Abu Dhabi emirate
- Abu Dhabi 2030: Probably refers to Abu Dhabi Economic Vision 2030 but might refer to the (different) Plan Abu Dhabi 2030 for urban development.
- Abu Dhabi Economic Vision 2030
- Abu Dhabi eGovernment Strategy
- Abu Dhabi Environment Vision 2030, Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD)
- Abu Dhabi Healthcare Strategic Plan
- Abu Dhabi Police Centennial Vision 2057.
- Abu Dhabi Transportation Mobility Management Strategy
- Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Vision 2030, see "Plan Abu Dhabi 2030". Different from Abu Dhabi Vision 2030.
- Abu Dhabi Vision 2020, see Abu Dhabi Economic Vision 2030.
- ADEC 10 Year Strategic Plan (Abu Dhabi Education Council)
- Environment Vision 2030 (Abu Dhabi), see Abu Dhabi Environment Vision 2030.
- Plan Abu Dhabi 2030, full name "Plan Abu Dhabi 2030 - Urban Structure framework Plan", different from Abu Dhabi Economic Vision 2030.
- Plan Capital 2030 (probably a reference to the Capital 2030 plan for Abu Dhabi City Municipality area)?
- Plan Maritime 2030 - Abu Dhabi emirate coastal areas.
- Surface Transport Master Plan (Abu Dhabi)
Abu Dhabi City Municipality area
- Capital 2030 - includes Abu Dhabi Capital District development, Abu Dhabi Corniche development, Khalifa City B, Shahama Bahia redevelopment (?).
Al Ain Municipality area
- Al Ain City 2030 - same as Plan Al Ain 2030?
- Plan Al Ain 2030 - unveiled by the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC) in April 2009. Plan Al Ain 2030 received the 2009 ISOCARP Award for Excellence (International Society of City and Regional Planners). Plan Al Ain 2030 includes the Urban Structure Framework Plan, Development Plan for Urban Areas in Al Ain, Al Ain Surface Transportation Master Plan (STMP) (coordinated with the Abu Dhabi Department of Transport - DoT), Al Ain World Heritage Site Plan (coordinated with the Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority)?
Western Region Municipality area (Al Gharbiah)
- Al Gharbia 2030
- Ajman 2021 Vision (02 Jun 2018), 3 pillars, 21 objectives: A Better Place to Live, Excellent Government, Green Economy.
- Ajman 2010-2030 Strategy (04 Apr 2010): waterfront area, tourism, parkway corridors, residential areas, transport links.
Most or all plans in list below are for Dubai city, which is where most of the population of Dubai emirate lives. An exception is the town or village of Hatta near the border with Oman.
- Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP), 20 years from 1985-2005, by Doxiadis Associates, developed 1985-1988. Some references say 1985-2000, perhaps is a typo or refers to a different plan; Doxiadis says "The plan was prepared for the target year 2005 ..."
- DTCM Strategic Plan
- Dubai 2020 Urban Master Plan, Dubai Municipality 2012.
- Dubai 3D Printing Strategy, launched Apr 2016.
- Dubai 50 Year Charter Plan
- Dubai Autonomous Transportation Strategy
- Dubai Bicycle Master Plan
- Dubai Clean Energy Strategy, by 2050, announced Nov 2015.
- Dubai Courts Strategic Plan 2009-2011.
- Dubai cyber security strategy
- Dubai Data Strategy
- Dubai Development Plan 1971 - see Dubai Master Plan 1971 by Harris.
- Dubai Expo 2020, see Expo 2020.
- Dubai Health Strategy 2021, launched Jan 2016.
- Dubai Industrial Strategy 2030, launched Jun 2016.
- Dubai Integrated Energy Strategy 2030
- Dubai Internet of Things Strategy
- Dubai Master Plan 1960 (or 1959), first master plan for Dubai, for period 1959-1966, by John Harris, a British architect. Also called "Dubai City Plan".
- Dubai Master Plan 1971, second master plan (or first master plan updated), also by John Harris. Also called "Dubai Development Plan".
- Dubai Municipality Strategic Plan 2007-2011
- Dubai Municipality Strategic Plan 2010-2014
- Dubai Paperless Strategy
- Dubai Plan 2021
- Dubai Strategic Plan 2010.
- Dubai Strategic Plan 2015 (DSP 2015) (Dubai Strategy 2015).
- [?] The Dubai Structural Plan (DSP), 20 year plan from 1995 to 2015 prepared by the Dubai Municipality (DM). Probably same as the 1993-2012 "Structure Plan for Dubai ..." but not clear why dates vary.
- Dubai Structural Plan 2003 (or 2002?), another DM plan, updated version of the 1993-2012 Structure Plan.
- Dubai Tourism Strategy 2020 (Dubai Tourism Vision 2020), target of 20 million tourist visitors per year by 2020.
- In 2018, Euromonitor estimated Hong Kong, Bangkok, and London to each have over 20m visitors (almost 30m for HK). Singapore, Macau, Paris, and Dubai were forecast to each receive 15m-20m visitors in 2018.
- Dubai Tourism Vision 2025, goal of 25m annual tourist visitors to Dubai by 2025.
- Dubai Urban Development Framework (DUDF) plan to be prepared by Urbis and WSP Group, for development up to 2020. Contract awarded by the Dubai Urban Planning Committee, announced 27 Aug 2007.
- Expo 2020
- First Five Year Plan for Dubai Urban Area, 2000-2005.
- Masar 2020, see Route 2020.
- Route 2020, Dubai Metro Red Line 15km extension from Nakheel Harbour and Tower Station to the Expo 2020 site.
- RTA Dubai Master Plan
- RTA Strategic Plan
- Smart Dubai 2021, launched in 2017, goal is for government paper transactions to be 100% digital by 2021.
- Strategic Urban Growth Plan for the Emirate of Dubai, 2000-2050 (?)
- [?] Structural Plan for Dubai Urban Area, 2000-2020. For 1993-2012 see "Structure Plan for the Dubai Urban Area", DM 1995.
- Structure Plan for the Dubai Urban Area (1993–2012), prepared for Dubai Municipality in 1995 by Parsons Harland Bartholomew and Associates. See also Structure Plan 1995-2015, 2003, 2000-2020.
- The Tower at Dubai Creek Harbour, world's tallest tower, completion planned for 2020.
- Trigonometrical Plan of the Back-water of Debai by Lieut. R. Cogan, 1822.
Timeline of major economic and urban plans for Dubai
- [?] 2000-2050: Strategic Urban Growth Plan for the Emirate of Dubai. Or "Dubai 50 Year Charter Plan"?
- 2010-2012: Dubai 2020 Urban MasterPlan, Dubai Municipality. Prepared by the Dubai Urban Planning Steering Committee and AECOM. Also "Structural Plan for Dubai Urban Area 2000-2020" or "Dubai 2020 Plan".
- 2007: Dubai Urban Development Framework (DUDF) plan up to 2020, plan contract awarded by the Dubai Urban Planning Committee to Urbis and WSP Group. Not much public information other than 2007 announcement. Looks like it was superseded by the 2010-2012 AECOM plan.
- 2003: Dubai Structural Plan, DM (updated version of the 1995 plan).
- [?] 2000-2005: First Five Year Plan for Dubai Urban Area.
- 1995: Structure Plan for the Dubai Urban Area 1993–2012, DM and Parsons HBA.
- 1985-1988: Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) for 1985-2005, by Doxiadis Associates.
- 1971: second (or first updated) Dubai Master Plan, also by John Harris. Also called "Dubai Development Plan".
- 1960: first Dubai Master Plan, for 1959-1966, by John Harris.
- 1822 [A map, not a plan, in list for historical interest]: Trigonometrical Plan by Lieut. R. Cogan, 1822.
Hatta town, in emirate of Dubai
- Hatta Comprehensive Development Plan (10 year plan), announced or launched 07 Nov 2016.
- Fujairah 2040 Plan
Ras Al Khaimah (RAK)
- 20 Year RAK Development Plan for Southern Region (planning to start in January 2011).
- 2005 Master Plan - developed by Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr.
- RAK Vision 2030
- Trigonometrical Plan of the back-water at Ras Al Khyma by Lieut. J.M. Guy, 1822.
- Sharjah Tourism Vision 2021.
- Trigonometrical Plan of the back-water at Sharja by Lieut. R. Cogan, 1822.
Umm Al Quwain (UAQ)
- Umm Al Quwain Master Plan, development of old town UAQ at end of peninsula by Limitless LLC in Dubai. Planned, designed in 2008-2009 but not executed.
- Umm Al Quwain Strategy, in line with the objectives of UAE Vision 2021. Four key development areas: general economy, heritage, infrastructure, public sector development. Announced May 2015, or earlier?
- UAQ Urban Framework Plan, 2006.
- Development Plans of the GCC States 1962-1995, (1962-1980 for UAE, in two volumes), Cambridge Archive Editions, 1994.
- ISBN 1852075139, 9781852075132 for entire set, 26 volumes, 12,500 pages. lists collection but not available. Google Books gives additional ISBN 1852075295, 9781852075293 for Kuwait V1, but not found as a valid book ISBN anywhere else.
- Contents: Bahrain and Qatar (1 volume), Kuwait (5 volumes), Oman (4), UAE (2), Saudi Arabia (14).
Last update Sunday 06-Oct-2019. Page development 3D 4L 5C.
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- - timeline and list with brief descriptions of some UAE strategic plans and developments.
- - UAE Government entities annual meetings started in 2017, where strategic development plans are discussed and launched.
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