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UAE Dubai free visit visa countries

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UAE and Dubai visit visas free on arrival for some countries

Table and list of UAE visa on arrival countries for ordinary passport holders

Visa on arrival is single entry for 30 days, and multiple entry for 90 days.

[Check error, too many countries? Only 46 according to UAE MOFA (21 Nov 2016), but Seychelles not in their list. Nor is Russia as of 04 Feb 2017.]

Last updated 22 Mar 2017 (Armenia, Brazil added), 19 Jul 2017 (Georgia added).

  1. Andorra6
  2. Australia
  3. Austria6
  4. Belgium6
  5. Brunei
  6. Bulgaria5,6
  7. Canada4
  8. China8
  9. Croatia5,6
  10. Cyprus3,5,6
  11. Czech Republic5,6
  1. Denmark6
  2. Estonia5,6
  3. Finland6
  4. France6
  5. Germany6
  6. Greece6
  7. Hong Kong8
  8. Hungary5,6
  9. Iceland6
  10. India (limited)12
  11. Ireland, Republic of
  12. Italy6
  13. Japan
  1. Latvia5,6
  2. Liechtenstein6
  3. Lithuania5,6
  4. Luxembourg6
  5. Malaysia
  6. Malta1,5,6
  7. Mauritius (when?)
  8. Monaco6
  9. Netherlands (NL)6
  10. New Zealand (NZ)
  11. Norway6
  12. Poland5,6
  13. Portugal6
  1. Romania5,6
  2. Russia9
  3. San Marino6
  4. Seychelles7
  5. Singapore
  6. Slovakia5,6
  7. Slovenia5,6
  8. South Korea
  9. Spain6
  10. Sweden6
  11. Switzerland6
  12. United Kingdom (UK)
  13. United States (USA)
  14. Vatican City6
  • Armenia (not yet?)11
  • Brazil (not yet)10
  • Costa Rica (not yet)
  • Eire - see Ireland or UK
  • England - see UK
  • European Union - all EU member countries 90 days except UK and Ireland 30 days.
  • Great Britain - see UK
  • Holland - see Netherlands6
  • Korea - see South Korea (North Korea not VOA)
  • Macau8
  • Northern Ireland - see UK
  • Paraguay2
  • Scotland - see UK
  • Wales - see UK
  • Taiwan8
  1. 22 Mar 2014 (update): Malta included in list of new countries with visa on arrival option. 20 Jan 2010 (DNRD): Malta unconfirmed if included or not, some sources listed it but was not on 33 country list on DNRD website.
  2. Paraguay not included in arrival visa country list according to official sources we checked (DNRD 20 Jan 2010), but was included in a list published by the the Gulf News on 25 Dec 2006. Paraguayans (and most other South American citizens) can get a visa on arrival for Oman but not UAE.
  3. Included in list published by Gulf News 20 Jan 2010 but not in DNRD website list of countries (last checked 20 Jan 2010).
  4. Excluded from 02 Jan 2011 to 10 Jun 2013 as a result of airline landing rights dispute between Canada and the UAE.
  5. 05 Mar 2014 (WAM) - the free UAE visit visa on arrival facility is extended to an additional 13 EU countries from 22 Mar 2014. The new countries are Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia.
  6. Length of stay on entry changed from 30 days to 90 days after implementation of new visa-waiver agreement with Schengen Zone countries. UK and Ireland still on 30 day visas.
  7. Effective from 16 Jul 2015, 90 day stay permitted. Visa waiver agreement signed 23 Nov 2014. Ref: Seychelles MFA, As of 21 Nov 2016 Seychelles still not in UAE MOFA website list, but is included in Timaticweb, UAE embassy, Emirates Airline websites as a VOA country.
  8. 04 Sep 2016, UAE announced visa on arrival for Chinese citizens (mainland, not HK or Macau?), but did not say from when the new rule would be implemented. Note that this means citizens of the People's Republic of China (PROC, commonly referred to as China), not the Republic of China (ROC or Taiwan). Hong Kong is part of China but already had VOA agreement. Macau is also part of China but appears to be excluded from UAE VOA agreement.
  9. 29 Jan 2017, UAE announced VOA for Russian citizens but did not specify from when. Update 04 Feb 2017, new policy seems to be in effect based on information from EK and IATA Timatic websites.
  10. 17 Mar 2017, reciprocal VOA agreement announced between UAE and Brazil (WAM), but not implemented.
  11. 22 Mar 2017, reciprocal VOA agreement announced between UAE and Armenia (WAM press report). As of 19 Aug 2017 UAE citizens exempt from Armenia visa requirement, but Armenians still need to pre-apply for UAE visa according to IATA information.
  12. Indian citizens holding ordinary passports can get a 14 day visa on arrival in the UAE if they have a USA Green Card or valid UAE visa.

UAE visa on arrival (VOA) updates

VOA information for non-ordinary passport holders

Costa Rica visa on arrival in UAE, coming soon?

Mauritius VOA for UAE

India visa on arrival in UAE

Armenia visa exemption, visa on arrival in UAE

Brazil visa on arrival in UAE

Russia visa exemption, visa on arrival in UAE policy change

Chinese citizens UAE visa on arrival policy change

Free visit visa on arrival additional new European countries

Note that information on this page is still being updated (not finished) in the light of the new "stay out of the UAE for 90 days" rule for Schengen Zone citizens.

Visit visa extension fee for visa on arrival countries

Visit visa on arrival validity period in Dubai different from the UAE

Free Visit Visa on arrival nationalities (valid for 30 or 90 days)

Information in this section needs to be updated to reflect Nov 2015 change to rules for Schengen Zone citizens who are visiting the UAE (not residents). They can no longer renew their 90 day visit visas indefinitely, they must exit the UAE for minimum 90 days in every 180 day period. Keep that in mind when reading anything below.

Visit visas or entry permits can be obtained on arrival (VOA) in Dubai and UAE if you are a national of one of the 49 (previously 48, 47, 46, 32, 33, 34, or 36) countries (13 added from 22 Mar 2014, Seychelles from 16 Jul 2015, China from 04 Sep 2016, Russia from 29? Jan 2017) in the following table. No prior arrangements need to be made and the visa stamp is free when arriving at Dubai International Airport, Abu Dhabi Airport, or other airports and land or sea borders in the UAE. You might have to pay 20 or 30 dhs at UAE land borders. Nationals of these countries can also get their UAE visas renewed more easily, for example by driving to Oman and back (but first confirm you can get an Omani visa at the border).

The terms visa on arrival, visa-free, visa-waiver, visa exemption are often used interchangeably, and confusingly. In practical terms it shouldn't really matter, you'll go to the same immigration desk whatever term is used. For example:

Citizens of the GCC countries Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia either do not need a visa to enter the UAE, or can obtain one on arrival (conflicting information given). Non GCC national expat residents of GCC countries might be able to obtain a UAE visa on arrival. See separate heading below.

Visa on arrival for AGCC (GCC) residents

Resident visa holders in Gulf Cooperation Council countries (GCC) (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia) of any nationality can obtain a visit visa on arrival in the UAE depending on their profession. Confirm with an airline, UAE embassy, or UAE immigration department before travelling though, information about this type of visa is a little vague, possibly to allow passport control officers more flexibility in admitting or rejecting travellers when they arrive in the UAE.

Note that this visa is not renewable, and there is a fee of AED 185.

Dubai DNRD website says "GCC nationals (Resident) - To be issued to GCC resident nationals and those who accompany them. Fees: AED 165 e-form fees. Valid for 30 days and renewable once for a similar period (30 days). Renewal fees AED 620 (e-form fees)." which sort of sounds like they're referring to GCC citizens rather than any GCC resident. But GCC citizens have visa-free entry to the UAE anyway. And it's not clear if pre-travel application is required or if it is available on arrival in the UAE. (a UAE government supported website) says "The following categories of visitors may receive their visit visa at the airport, upon arrival. 1. AGCC Residents who are not GCC nationals but who have a high professional status such as company managers, business people, auditors, accountants, doctors, engineers, pharmacists, or employees working in the public sector, their families, drivers and personal staff sponsored by them, are eligible for a non-renewable 30-day visa upon arrival at the approved ports of entry." That might be out-of-date information after the change in visa rules in July 2008.

The Sharjah Airport website says "GCC country residence visa holders: Certain category of visa holders of GCC Countries can enter the UAE and the visa will be issued up on their arrival. Prior approval is not required." Exactly what categories are being referred to is not clarified.

Indian citizens visa on arrival

Visit Visa renewal or extension

Nationalities of countries that obtain a free visit visa on arrival in Dubai have two options for visa renewals and extensions.

Canada-UAE visa changes


Last update Saturday 19-Aug-2017
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