Friday 28 March 2025 (UAE)

Weather forecasts and climate in Dubai, UAE

Coronavirus in the UAE: Some information on this website is out of date as a result of measures taken in the UAE to deal with the coronavirus crisis. Confirm with official or authoritative sources.

Weather in Dubai, UAE

Weather forecast in Dubai, UAE today and tomorrow is hot and sunny (usually). Temperature and climate forecasts for Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah RAK, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain UAQ, Al Ain, East Coast. Rain, snow, and sandstorms are rare. Wind is occasional. Sunshine is common. Short-range and long-range forecasts are about the same. Seasonal weather and climate information for Summer, Autumn, Fall, Winter, Spring in the UAE.

Weather forecast for Dubai today, tomorrow, short-range, long-range

Today the weather is hot and sunny (except at night when it's hot and dark). Weather forecast for tomorrow is hot and sunny.

Shamals, Shamal wind, prevailing wind in Dubai
Annual climate in Dubai, UAE
Summer months in Dubai - June July August

Car interiors can reach over 60 degrees centigrade if parked in the sun (we checked - the thermometer we used maxed out at 60 and broke). Children and animals will die quickly if locked in a parked car in the sun, and die a bit more slowly if car is parked in the shade. The time frame is minutes, not hours. Adults will die too but they are usually able to figure out how to unlock a car door before they do. Babies and animals don't. This is not a joke, it happens, sometimes several times a year, and leaving the window open a bit for air to circulate makes very little difference. Leaving a motor running with the airconditioning on prevents the temperature rising but this is risky business - the a/c unit might not work as well when a car is idling, if the engine stalls then the temperature will rise quickly, and it is illegal (as far as we know) to leave a car motor running when it is unattended (children and animals don't count as being in control of a parked motor vehicle). Note that the a/c doesn't work if the engine is not running, even if the ignition key is on and the fan motor is blowing - some people don't seem to know this.

Autumn or Fall months in Dubai - September October November
Winter months in Dubai - December January February
Spring months in Dubai - March April May
Sandstorm forecasting system Dubai
Prevailing wind in Dubai
Wind Towers in Dubai
Burj Khalifa (Burj Dubai tower) and wind effects
Other headings (to be updated)
Last update Thursday 21-Nov-2013. Page development 1H 2T 3D 4L 5C.
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Abu Dhabi AUH ABD ADB, Ajman AJM, Al Ain AAN, Dubai DXB, Fujairah FUJ, Ras Al Khaimah RAK, Sharjah SHJ, Umm Al Quwain UAQ

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